There are Four Components to be fitted into the Interior of the Oz Goose Sailing Dinghy. This video shows how to fit the centrecase, the mast step and partner and the bottom stiffeners.

Getting the hull Straight.
These components need to be accurately on the centreline of the boat to make sure the boat sails efficiently in all directions.
- Centreboard case
- Mast Step
- Mast Partner.
So the first stage of this video is to make sure the boat is straight and not twisted.
Aligning the critical components with the centreline of the sailboat hull
The Video shows how to draw guide lines to help align these components.
It also shows how we drill the holes for temporary screws to hold the components in position.
With the centrecase I put in the screws into the bulkhead then stand in front of the boat and make sure the centrecase looks straight in the boat. The put one or two of the temporary screws through the bottom into the centrecase.
This is done BEFORE going to the next video.
Differences between building at home and building with the FBW
As we are on a really tight deadline with the FBW three day build we use bronze boatnails. For building at home you can use the temporary black screws. Remove them when the glue is hard – usually the next day.