Now for the first gluing process. How do we actually measure mix and thicken the epoxy glue for building the Oz Goose Sailboat
The amount of glue needed is mentioned in the video. It should be pretty close to correct.

Epoxy Mix Ratios
Note that DIFFERENT EPOXY BRANDS have DIFFERENT RATIOS for mixing using weight and mixing using volume.
The measurements in this video are for PIONEER BRAND EPOXY only.
CHECK your EPOXY BRAND to check the ratio you need to follow.
I’m going to repeat myself … because it is SO IMPORTANT.
Each manufacturer has different ratios for mixing epoxy. Using the wrong ratio will mean the epoxy will not go hard and the boat will not be strong.
Make SURE you are using the correct ratio.
IMPORTANT – Read how to mix the epoxy. Mistakes mean the epoxy will not harden
Measuring and mixing epoxy is the MOST IMPORTANT job when building an Oz Goose using plywood and epoxy.
If the epoxy does not go hard then the builder has made one of three mistakes.
1/ He/she did not weigh or measure the epoxy accurately enough.
2/ He/she did not stir the epoxy for long enough or scrape the bottom and side of the mixing container with the mixing stick and mix until the resin is a consistent clear colour without streaks – normally about 3 or 4 minutes of stirring and scraping.
3/ He/she is using the wrong mixing ratios for the brand of epoxy being used.
Tongue Depressors
These are the easiest way to get enough sticks for mixing and applying the epoxy. We buy boxes of the unsterilized tongue depressors from a Pharmacy.
Pastry Bag
As you will see from the video the pastry bag is the fastest and tidiest way to apply the glue. It saves so much time and reduces epoxy waste.